Office Bearers of the Church Service Society
President: Rev John L Bell MA BD DUniv FRSCM
Honorary Secretary: Rev Scott S McKenna BA BD MTh MPhil PhD
Honorary Treasurer: Rev John S (Iain) May BSc MBA BD DMin
Hon Presidents:
Rev David M Beckett MA BD
Rev Charles Robertson LVO MA
Rev Prof Bryan Spinks BA BD MTh DD
Rev Colin Williamson LLB BD
Rev Marion Dodd MA BD LRAM
Rev David Mill KGSJ MA BD
Rev Douglas Galbraith MA BD BMus PhD ARSCM
Rev Rachel Dobie LTh
Rev Neil N Gardner MA BD RNR
Rev Scott McCarthy BD
Rev Principal Alison M Jack MA BD PhD
Council Members
Rev David W S Todd MA MMus BD | Edinburgh |
Rev Carleen Robertson BD | Newtyle |
Mrs Marjory J B Williamson CA | Cumbernauld |
Rev Elspeth McKay LLB LLLM PGCert BD | North East |
Rev Lady Pamela D Strachan MA (Cantab) | Broughton |
Rev David Scott BSc BD | St Andrews |
Rev Liam Jerrold Fraser LLB BD MTh PhD | Linlithgow |
Rev Peter Johnston BSC BD | Aberdeen |
Mrs Feclicity Burrows | Selkirk |
Rev Conor Fegan MA MTh PhD | Markinsh |
Rev Canon Christoph Wutscher MA Cert Theol LRSCM | Scottish Episcopal Church |
Fr Jamie McMorrin MA STB SLL | Roman Catholic Church |
Editor of the Record: David Scott, with Conor Fegan
The Record
Editorial Board: President, Secretary, and Editor.
Honorary Librarian: The Society's Library is now housed in Special Collections, University of St Andrews